Weekly Wrap-Up

Fall is here and we are starting to see some changes in leaves. I'm putting together the Ready Art Kits for my kids which is basically a grab and do arts and craft kits. Meanwhile, we gathered a few pine cones from outside and decided to paint.

Art smock is a must for this girl, who still likes to wipe her fingers on herself.

Sweet Boy wanted to cut some paper and decorate with it.

I don't have much pictures from this week but it was one of those quiet evenings that only happens rarely. I HAD to take picture! :)
I gave the white table to Sweet Boy and now it is his Lego station.
It used to be a table for Happy Girl's tot trays and alphabet station.

The citiblocs is a great hit at our house! I knew she would love it because she loved to build with Jenga back in California. I start a pattern of a building and she continues from it. We have 200 piece set right now and I thought I would need more if Sweet Boy played with it. But right now it is Happy Girl's favorite toy and for her age, 200 piece is more than plenty.

She also built a twin tower this evening but I got so frustrated with phone camera and gave up on taking pictures. (How does my phone get so full so fast?!)

Sweet Boy earned this Lego set through the newly implemented point system at home. He worked hard for last two weeks and finally got to use his points. 

Lately he is into the Ultra Agents series from Lego. He goes back and forth from Chima and the Ultra Agents. Lego is a great educational toy but 1, it is pricey and 2, what am I supposed to with all the set he finished? We have 2 moving boxes full of Lego pieces... Best solution will be separate them into respective sets and complete the kit just in case he wants to build it again or sell it.. but I would need at least 2 weeks and that 2 weeks need to be without the kids. So, not going to happen. 

Until I decide what to do with them, they will remain in those boxes. 
Oh, he does have another huge under-bed container full of loose pieces for him to build random things. 

My cutest little Happy Girl is obsessed with Mickey Mouse. She was coloring the little booklet we made together and in the section where you are supposed to draw 'what will be in a healthy lunch', she drew Mickey Mouse. 
She drew it all by herself and brought it to me saying "mommy, Mickey Mouse!". 
It is complete with two Mickey ears, set of eyes, nose and the mouth. :D

I also have been experimenting with planners and I think this must be working out for me. 
I am going to polish it out a bit and share on the blog. 

So that was the week at the Honeybee house!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Oh, what would we be doing this weekend? We found mold behind bathroom wallpaper and we have ripped the wallpaper out of the entire bathroom last night. So you know where we are heading this weekend... lots of painting and priming and speckling.... yay... fun.........

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