Learn with Homer vs. Reading Eggs

[Sweet Boy - 4Y11M]

Sweet Boy has developed love for iPad...
He started with playing Angry Birds and have gone through Bad Piggie to Plants vs. Zombies.
I don't want to take the iPad away forever so I might put those games on some other device (Nook, maybe?) and have the iPad used only for educational purpose.

As I have mentioned before, I have been on internet day and night, making sure I'm set for the coming year and I came across online learning programs for kids such as Starfall, ABC Mouse.com and Reading Eggs.
I downloaded the 'Learn with Homer' app on Sweet Boy's iPad before but haven't activated any trial or subscription yet so I thought it will be a good time to compare some of those.

Starfall seems like it's too easy for Sweet Boy and Explode the Code Online is too... static for my taste.
I activated the trial for both Reading Eggs and Learn with Homer, desperately hoping that Learn with Homer would exceed my standard because I love the modern style graphics they use.

Reading Eggs, in my opinion, has so much repetition that even I thought the app was broken. (I don't have mouse for my chromebook for Sweet Boy to use so both programs are on iPad for now) They also have separate math program called 'Math Seed' and the app version of the program is absolutely horrifying... The sound on the app sounds broken or taken over by 'dalek' from Doctor Who.

Both programs have online printable for lessons and I like the 'Learn with Homer' version more just because they are more simple and in black and white, whereas the Reading Eggs printable are in full color. If I'm printing worksheets, I don't want to waste ink on something that will become obsolete in 5 minutes.

We are on day 2 and Sweet Boy likes Reading Eggs much more than the Learn with Homer because, in his words, he like Easter Eggs. - no, they don't give you Easter Eggs you can crack open, but you get eggs when you finish lessons and you can use them to purchase clothing and household items for your avatar. But we are just on day 2, so we will see how it goes and determine later if we will incorporate it into our curriculum!

1 comment :

  1. any updates on the comparison between reading eggs and learn with homer?


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