The 2014 Summer break has officially begun!

The honeybees and I are in sunny California again for 6 weeks!

SweetBoy has finished his pre-k 4 (in special education program) in June and we also have moved in with their grandparents (my parents-in-law). July was a hectic month for us because we had to unpack and get used to living in a new place for the first time in 7 years.

SweetBoy enjoyed a short 2 weeks of explorer camp held in a local nature center and also has started on Taekwondo class!

Nothing much with HappyGirl except that she was busy growing up and copying everything her older brother does.

 So we are in California now visiting my parents for 6 weeks and it has been exciting so far!
I actually took both kids on 6 hour plane ride all by myself.
Since they are older (SweetBoy is turning 5 in 2 months and HappyGirl is 2 1/4) it was much much easier than I have anticipated.

I packed tons of activities for them including new apps in their iPads.

SweetBoy loves these sticker books from DK. I have ordered a couple from Amazon but I also found few at Costco. 

HappyGirl's favorite activity? popping bubble wraps. Yes, I actually brought pieces of bubble wraps with me just to occupy her.... and it did! for full 40 minutes!!

And.. she slept for the last half of the ride. This was first time she traveled in airplane without a car seat and it worked out even better!

SweetBoy has resumed his swimming class. Swimming classes in California costs less than half of classes in New Jersey! I make sure we all take advantage of this great weather and facility whenever we are here.
He goes to a 30-minute lesson in the morning from Monday to Friday for 2 weeks, then he will be going Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings for 4 weeks.

At home, both SweetBoy and HappyGirl enjoy playing in the new addition to the backyard: a hot tub!
It is not connected and installed at all since its sole purpose is to entertain these two kids. It's not as large as pools but it has a lid so it is covered safely from kids when it is not in use.

We already have paid a visit to our favorite local indoor playground: Pikaboo in Eagle Rock.

I have decided to pull SweetBoy back a year and not send him to Kindergarten this fall. He will be attending a private preschool/kindergarten for 4 mornings a week. He is born in early September and he is one of the youngest in the class if he went to Kindergarten by our town's cut-off date. The private preschool he will be going to is located in the middle of a forest next to the nature center and they are known for abundant free play in their multi-acre playground. There are also small school farm with pigs, chickens, goats, donkeys and others. Basically, he will be just playing, which is exactly what I want him to be doing. I would be 'afterschooling' him for this year. I have chosen few curriculum and I will do a separate post on it later.

However, he is doing couple of workbooks including this one (The Never-Bored Kid Book, Ages 5-6 from Evan-moor).  I really love the Never-Bored series because it's a book full of crafts and activities.

He doesn't want to do anything related to 'studying' right now...
so he is back in the 'pool' after finishing the panda craft.

Well, since HappyGirl is down for her nap so it gives me a time to write this post while watching him... so, all is good. :)
(That's where I am sitting with my brand new chromebook.)

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