Today must have been the hottest day... :(
I can't function when it's too hot so we stayed home the whole day.
They wanted to use the new crayon my aunt brought from Korea.
It's encased in a plastic tube so it doesn't rub on the hand. It is very soft in texture, almost like melted oil pastel. It writes so smoothly and easily that Happy Girl spent a long time drawing.
You can also use brush with water to give a watercolor effect.
So I suppose it's not oil based... I'm not sure what it actually is but Happy Girl loves them!
Lately Sweet Boy is really into Plants vs. Zombies game.
It's too hard for him so he wants ME to play for him.......
She loves sticker books.
I got this sticker book for Sweet Boy but he's not really into them.
I got it from Costco. I LOVE COSTCO. lol
Two more days till my husband comes to California!
The fact that he will be here soon made me let my guards down and I don't want to do anything anymore and just relax.... We will see how the next two days go!
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