First week of school - 2Gabe / MathStart: "Circus Shapes"

For math this week, we finished up the 2Gabe.
2Gabe includes 2 sets of sphere, cube and cylinder. One of the sets have holes and hooks so you can slide the wooden rods through and/or hang it on with strings.
We have done parts of 2Gabe before so we just went over the key points and wrapped it up.

First activity was to make the planar figure for 3 shapes (sphere, cube and cylinder).
I pre-cut the origami paper for each sides of cylinder and cube and taped them together with Sweet Boy.
For sphere, we just used tin foil and wrapped it.

It's important not to tape all the sides together so you can take it off in one piece.
I laid two planar figures on the table and asked Sweet Boy to match it to the correct shapes.

(It's really hard to take pictures while working on Gabe because I'm constantly showing, demonstrating and teaching him.)

Second activity was to make them into animals.
I also pre-cut the pieces and Sweet Boy helped taping them together.

We turned the cylinder into penguin, cube into a lion, and sphere into a bird.

I quickly told the story of Pinocchio using the cube with hole.
I slid the wooden rod in and out and drew a face on one side. He was definitely amused by it, but I'm not sure if he already knew the story or not.

The penguin turned out great but my favorite was the bird. He tried to copy the lion's face and we used it as the face for the bird. It's not pictured because it kept rolling.... :(

He had lots of fun playing with the blocks.

The MathStart book we chose was "Circus Shapes".
It covers rectangle, circle, triangle and square.
It seemed like one of the easiest books from the series.
We used 7Gabe (colored wooden sticks in various lengths) to build the shape.
He had little trouble making a rectangle but he got the hang of it. The key point (as it is described in the book) was to find 2 long sticks and 2 short sticks and place them across from each other.

He always asks to play with Gabe but I don't allow him to play with it just yet.
I would like to go through all the lessons before he can play freely with them.
He is more than welcome to play with them once we are done with it so now he has access to the 1Gabe and 2Gabe.

I pulled out one of the 2 pre-gabe for Sweet Boy and Happy Girl.

I love this picture because it actually looks like they are sharing and playing together!


Sweet Boy loves 'homeschooling'.
He always asks to do more. However, he goes to preschool from 8 to 2 and it really wears him out.
Therefore I don't follow strict daily schedule but always make sure I'm ready to do 'school'. It's already Friday and we are really behind the schedule. We will try to catch up tomorrow and also on the postings as well.

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