The beloved Honey Bee kids

The “Sweet Boy” (3) -born in September, 2009

The boy who changed me forever.
I absolutely adore this little man. Before him, I never knew I had so much love in me. I love him more and more everyday. Did I mention that I am knee-deep in love with him yet? He is speech-delayed due to major ear infection which we detected very late. It has been treated (no surgery, just some drops and antibiotic cleared it up within a week) and he is finally picking up words and saying a lot. Now that we know that he doesn’t have any medical condition but just delayed, we actually love that he is little behind compared to other kids in his age- because it just makes him to stay as mommy’s little baby just a little longer!

He is very friendly and sweet. He will run to anyone and give a hug and even pat his/her back once he gets to know them which doesn’t take long either, usually about 5 minutes. :)

The “Happy Girl” (6M) - Born in March, 2012

We called her Little Houdini for a while because no matter how we swaddle her, she will get herself free. I almost considered using that as her blog name but… yeah.. I don’t think she will like to be named after a man no matter how great a magician he is.

She has the most amazing smile and she smiles at every little thing. Our eyes meet, she smiles. I call her name, she smiles. She sees someone standing behind us in the grocery check out line, she smiles. I am glad she’s so happy and loves to smile because it makes up for all the random screaming she does… (She screams on top of her lung and my ear is ringing after.)

So there you go - my two most precious treasure.
Can you tell that I’m currently in love with instagram? It took me a while to get started but it’s now one of the most frequently used app on my iPhone.

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